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The Back to Me Framework








A selection of some of the programs facilitation


WEEK 1 Sexual identity, working on stereotypes

We will be working on the development and internal processes and conflicts

of what we perceive as positive and negative stereotypes.


WEEK 2 Perception, social norms, outdated structures

This week follows on from stereotypes and moves into our perceptions of socially accepted conformities and how dogma can block creativity and mental clarity.


WEEK 3 Shame and unlocking negative belief systems

By week 3 you will be starting to become more aware of your own internal dialogue and make subtle shifts by allowing the conscious mind to start perceiving a fluid balance of the polarities internally.

The group dynamic will support you in validating yourself which allows subtle changes to take place in everyday situations. You will still start to gather your own creative flow.


WEEK 4 Pleasing People, Boundaries, intuitive self-care/preservation

In this week’s workshop session you will have naturally begun to not only make better conscious decisions for yourself but also be guided and supported in building a foundation of balance in your boundaries with family, friends and work colleagues and a stronger sense of the dynamics that interplay in your life, creating a equilibrium from your internal sense of self, that you can start to make better more fulfilling choices in your life.


WEEK 5 Stories and Truth

This week is about our personal story and the unfolding of how our past is still holding us back from moving forward with confidence and strength of self-awareness.


WEEK 6 The journey begins – Changing ‘the story’

This is the week of cementing the changes from the previous 5 weeks. We will be creating a vision of ourselves that is based on truth and real life changes. This is your time to really move forward with clearer ideas and support structures that will enable you to build stronger and long lasting relationships and attainable goals.


WEEK 7 Tools, tips and surprises and group activities.

This final session is designed around celebrating the efforts achieved by each individual and recognizing the importance of a support system and being nurtured by others. Trusting in ourselves and others inspires, motivates and further creates a platform of building from a collective dynamic.





  • Workshop facilitation

  • Workshop Author

  • Motivational Speaker

  • Reiki healer

  • A teacher of Emotional Intelligence

  • Entrepreneur



My vision is to create a nurturing environment and reach as many people as I can and give them the tools of empowerment and self-sufficiency. We teach what we know and I am grateful to be able to inspire others to lead their lives with transparency and truth. I don’t claim to know it all, but I know I have a way of leading others to make decisions for themselves.


To live authentically is the key to finding freedom, it is the cornerstone of learning to play again and see the world with a different set of eyes.





Understanding and working with your sixth sense.

How your intuition can serve you in your daily life in making decisions, big or small.

The group activities as well as a neutrally designed facilitation process allow the process to become a group collective, fostering accelerated personal development and a sense of clarity.


Self Care 

How to manage your biology

Finding people, places and things that inspire you

Finding creative and innovative ways of developing your own self care needs/routines

Learning how to say know - boundaries



Connecting to your gentler side 

Guiding connectivity which generates more balance in relationships of various dynamics

Learning how to manage your habits and not have them control you




Clarity with what you desire out of life

Communication Skills

How to materialize better relationships, finance and free time

How to work with your sexuality and your sensuality

Practical tools and personal insights on how to get to your desires



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